Monthly Promos & Specials 



Questions: Join Monday Q&A or reach out, I'm happy to help!


March is roaring in with the opportunity to get FIVE (5) FREE OILS!

Reminders & Stuff:


Bring a friend and get a prize - it’s more fun together!

12 noon CT / 1:00pm ET! 

➑️ Registration required to get Zoom link  ⬅️

🀩 PB Assist+ (the old version in white bottle): Any Loyalty Rewards orders with PB Assist+  will be changed
to PB Restore later this week.

πŸ₯° Yarrow|Pom Eye Masks: Now a permanent product!

🎁 New Yearly Renewal Gift: We are excited to announce that yearly renewals now come with free 15ml SuperMint!

πŸ’² Be sure to use your rewards points! They expire 12 months from the date earned.

πŸ“š Want LIVE education Q&A? Join me every Monday at 12:30pm CT / 1:30PM ET on ZOOM: 
πŸŽ₯ Missed the LIVE? Watch recordings here:
Want more info videos:

πŸ™‹‍♀️ Health topic or oil use questions? Use our private Facebook group, Green Dog Community Pack, or ask me! πŸ’—


  • WHY MONTHLY REWARDS ORDERING? Set up your Monthly Loyalty Rewards Program cart (LRP) for the best pricing, access to special offers & perks and free products.
  • HOW - You get REWARDS $$ to spend later and if you order LRP monthly and spend...
125+ PV   =  Order by the 15th, get a free oil of the month, free shipping, earn 10-30 % rewards
100+ PV  =  Free shipping & earn 10-30 % rewards
50+ PV    =  Qualifies for discounted shipping $3.99 & earns 10-30% in rewards
1-49 PV   =  Maintains your rewards % & accumulated rewards points, but does not earn points

You may cancel by phone, text or live chat & just order as needed. It’s best to keep it & order something small, if necessary. Just order at least 1PV or more each month to stay in the rewards program and not lose the rewards or points you’ve earned. Use points for FREE products & work towards earning 30% in rewards back on your orders. You start with 10% rewards immediately, so begin as soon as possible!
March is roaring in with a 200 PV Stock Up Freebies and more!
Pro Tip - if you already placed an order you can call customer service and ask them to add items to TOP IT OFF so you can get the free oils. This "work-a-round" MUST be done through customer service (‭800-411-8151‬).

200 PV Promotion - stock up time!
10% Off - Grapefruit 15mL
Product of the Month - Lemon 5mL
Permanent Product: Yarrow Pom Revitalizing Eye Mask

4 OILS FREE - 200 PV Promotion (While supplies last) 
Lemongrass, Lime, Wild Orange, and Eucalyptus - all full size, 15 mL bottles
Brighten and refresh your space with Lemongrass, Lime, Wild Orange, and Eucalyptus 15 mL with any 200 PV purchase. You can earn the free products automatically with each 200 PV purchase—no need to place separate orders! For example, a 400 PV order would earn the promotional items twice, a 600 PV order would earn them three times, and an 800 PV order would earn them four times.

Make that 5 OILS FREE!
Now there are two ways to get the free Product of the Month - Lemon 5mL
Available March 1–15, 2025 on Rewards 125+ PV OR purchase any of dōTERRA’s Foundational Wellness bundles and receive the free Product of the Month anytime during the month.

10% Off: Grapefruit 15mL (While supplies last) 
SKU: 30100001 
Regular Price | 10% Off Price  
Wholesale: $20.00 | $18.00 
PV: 20 | 18

Permanent Product: Yarrow|POM Revitalizing Eye Mask 
Yarrow|Pom Eye Masks are here to stay! 
SKU: 60225985 
Wholesale: $39.50 
PV: 30

Time to stock up on products you use and get 4 oils FREE

You can earn the free products automatically with each 200 PV purchase when you purchase products you love
and stuff that you would buy elsewhere anyway!

Make that 5 oils FREE with Lemon - the Product of the Month

Lemongrass, Lime, Wild Orange, and Eucalyptus - all full size, 15 mL bottles
plus Lemon 5mL free Product of the Month with qualifying order (see above).
Order on Loyalty Rewards and get $20 - $60 in your account to spend next month!

Grapefruit 15mL

10% off in March

Lemon 5mL

Free with 125 PV Loyalty Rewards or with VMG Bundle order in March.

doTERRA is gifting us one of the TOP oils each month to help us stock our medicine cabinet.

Eye Mask is now a permanent product

Yarrow|POM Eye Masks are here to stay!

Pro tip: save the packaging and reuse the eye mask!