- 16 oz Spray Bottle (Glass, HDPE plastic, or number 1 or number 2 PETE plastic)
- 1 bottle of TerraShield (15 mL/ 250 drops)
- Add Geranium for extra tick repellant if needed.
- 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar – (I use Bragg’s with mother)
- 5-10 drops dish-washing soap (I use a natural free and clear dish soap)
- Top off with filtered water
Mix all ingredients in the Spray Bottle and top off with filtered water. Shake before each use.
⚠️ As with all fly sprays, avoid contact with horses eyes!
Horse Fly Recipe works great for horses, dogs, goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, and even people!
Do not use on cats.