
DIY Rejuvenating Skin Spray For Your Irritated Pet's Skin

This spray is great for cuts, scrapes, scratches, itching, irritations, hot spots, and everyday skin irritations. There are several varieties depending on which oils you have and which oils your pet & animal respond to better.

  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 10 drops Frankincense
  • 10 drops Myrrh
  • 10 drops Copaiba
  • (Optional 2 drops Helichrysum - especially if fresh wound)
  • 1 tbsp colloidal silver (I love the Sovereign Silver brand 10PPM)
  • Top off with 100% pure aloe juice.
  • Spray bottle – 1 oz for large dogs 2 oz for smaller dogs – 2oz – 4 oz for pocket pets and birds (the smaller the animal, the more you want the spray diluted)
Mix all ingredients together and shake before each use. Spray the area as needed 2-3 times per day.

If the animals wants to lick the area, cover lightly with a bandage, tee-shirt, or use a cone to prevent licking. (This spray is safe if they do lick it but it does prolong the process.)

Note – This spray is safe for dogs, horses, goats, cats, llamas, cattle, and all other species.
Dilute more for very small pocket pets and birds (2-4 oz. rather than 1 oz.) Keep in refrigerator and shake before use.

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