This recipe is all about helping you with fighting off stuff you catch out in the world. There are lots of variations available but this is the basic recipe, such as adding Copaiba, Melissa, Lemongrass, or any other oil that works for you. There are two options to utilize this recipe.
- 4 drops Frankincense
- 4 drops Lemon
- 4 drops On Guard
- 4 drops Oregano
- 4 drops Tea Tree
- 4 drops Thyme
Mix all essential oils in 4 oz water, take a sips and gargle, and then swallow until you've consumed the total amount.
I prefer to reduce the Oregano to 2 drops unless I need 4 drops.
Alternatively, utilize the gelcap method where you add 2-4 of each essential oil into a gelcap and top off with fractionated coconut oil.
Take at the first sign of symptoms like runny nose or cough and repeat every 4 hours until symptoms resolve. You can also take this every 20 minutes for the first 1 - 2 hours then every 4 hours as needed.